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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - separate


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Перевод с английского языка separate на русский

1. полигр. отдельный оттиск (статьи) 2. pl. блузки, юбки, брюки и т. п., которые можно надевать в разных комбинациях 3. pl. с-х. отдельности (почвы) 4. отдельный; изолированный; обособленный, отделенный separate room —- изолированная (отдельная) комната separate entrance —- отдельный вход separate cell —- одиночная камера a book in two separate volumes —- книга в двух (отдельных) томах separate system of imprisonment —- юр. тюремная система одиночных камер separate drive —- тех. одиночный (индивидуальный) привод to live separate from smb. —- жить отдельно от кого-л. 5. раздельный separate education —- раздельное обучение (мальчиков и девочек) separate loading —- воен. раздельное заряжание separate ammunition —- воен. боеприпасы раздельного заряжания separate pagination —- полигр. раздельная пагинация to move that a separate vote be taken —- требовать раздельного голосования 6. сепаратный separate peace treaty —- сепаратный мирный договор separate negotiations —- сепаратные переговоры 7. особый, специальный; самостоятельный these are two entirely separate questions —- это два совершенно самостоятельных вопроса separate account —- фин. специальный счет separate existence of matter —- самостоятельное существование материи separate battalion —- воен. отдельный батальон 8. бот. однополый (о цветке) Id: separate development —- "раздельное развитие", расовая сегрегация (под предлогом создания равных, но раздельных возможностей) Id: "separate but equal" —- "равенство порознь" (доктрина, оправдывающая расовую сегрегацию, в т.ч. в школах) Id: separate estate —- юр. отдельное (обособленное) имущество (замужней женщины) Id: separate maintenance —- юр. содержание, выплачиваемое мужем жене в случае соглашения о раздельном жительстве 9. отделять, разъединять gardens separated by a wall —- сады, разделенные стеной widely separated homestead —- разбросанные фермы the river separates the two countries —- река разделяет эти две страны to separate religion from politics —- отделить религию от политики to separate a word by a hyphen —- разделить слово дефисом to separate by a comma —- отделить запятой to separate two boxers —- развести двух боксеров the two events are separated in time by one hundred years —- во времени эти события отстоят друг от друга на сотню лет to separate the sheep from the goats —- библ. отделить агнцев от козлищ to separate the wires —- разъединить провода 10. отделяться, разъединяться the rope separated under the strain —- веревка разорвалась от натяжения 11. различать, отличать to separate truth from falsehood —- отличать истину от лжи 12. разделять to separate smth. into parts —- разделить что-л. на части 13. выделять, экстрагировать; сепарировать to separate milk —- сепарировать молоко to separate cream from milk —- отделять сливки от молока to separate metal from ore —- обогащать руду 14. сортировать, отсеивать (также separate out) to separate bran from flour —- отсеивать отруби (из муки) to separate mail —- разбирать почту 15. разлучать to separate smb. from smb., smth. —- разлучать кого-л. с кем-л., чем-л. 16. расставаться, разлучаться the friends didn't separate till midnight —- друзья не расставались до полуночи we have to separate at the crossroad —- от перекрестка нам придется идти в разные стороны in some way he become separated from his companions —- каким-то образом он отделился (отстал) от своих спутников 17. расходиться (о супругах); жить врозь (без развода) they separated amicably —- они разошлись мирно to live separated from one's wife —- жить отдельно от жены 18. разлагать (на части) 19. хим. выделять из раствора, выделять отстаиванием 20. разделять (фракции) 21. увольнять с военной службы; демобилизовывать
Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

   1. adj.  1) отдельный; cut it into four separate parts - разрежьте это на четыре части - separate maintenance  2) особый, индивидуальный; самостоятельный; these are two entirely separate questions - это два совершенно самостоятельных вопроса  3) изолированный; уединенный  4) сепаратный  2. noun отдельный оттиск (статьи)  3. v.  1) отделять(ся), разделять(ся); The garage is separated from the house by a path and a flower garden. Only one game separates us from total victory.  2) разлучать(ся); расходиться; When did you separate from your husband?  3) выделять, экстрагировать; сепарировать; сортировать, отсеивать; to separate chaff from grain - очищать зерно от мякины; Separate off the top of the cream and use it to make butter.  4) разлагать(ся) (на части); The action of heat will separate the chemical into a substance and oxygen.  5) mil. увольнять, демобилизовывать - separate off - separate out - separate up Syn: detach, disconnect, disengage, dismember, disunite Ant: combine, connect, consolidate, engage SEPARATE establishment побочная семья SEPARATE maintenance содержание, назначаемое жене при разводе SEPARATE off отделять This pan of the garden should be separated off for vegetables. SEPARATE out выделять(ся); разъединять(ся) The scientist tried to separate out the precious chemical from the substance in which it was found. The oil and water will separate out if the mixture is left standing. SEPARATE up делить, разделять на части The profit can be separated up between us. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  отделять; разделять; разобщать; отдельный; раздельный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. прил. 1) отдельный, сепаратный 2) особый, специальный 3) обособленный • - separate out 2. гл. 1) отделять(ся) 2) разделять, разъединять 3) отсеивать 4) расставаться ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) изолированный 2) местный 3) отдельный 4) отделять 5) отсоединять штепсельный 6) разлагать 7) разносить 8) разрозненный 9) сепарировать 10) точечный coefficient of separate determination — коэффициент частной смешанной корреляции color separate negative — цветоделенный негатив separate fan-cooled generator — генератор с независимым охлаждением separate light beam — разделять пучок света separate radio signal — выделять радиосигнал - separate balance - separate chips - separate continuity - separate determination - separate equicontinuous - separate estimate - separate ions - separate isotopes - separate observations - separate order - separate variables ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) выделять, отделять 2) классифицировать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) отделять(ся); выделять(ся); разделять(ся); сепарировать 2) сортировать; классифицировать 3) просеивать; отсеивать 4) резин. отслаиваться; расслаиваться 5) горн. обогащать 6) возд. эшелонировать (полёты) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  adj., n., & v. --adj. (often foll. by from) forming a unit that is or may be regarded as apart or by itself; physically disconnected, distinct, or individual (living in separate rooms; the two questions are essentially separate). --n. 1 (in pl.) separate articles of clothing suitable for wearing together in various combinations. 2 an offprint. --v. 1 tr. make separate, sever, disunite. 2 tr. prevent union or contact of. 3 intr. go different ways, disperse. 4 intr. cease to live together as a married couple. 5 intr. (foll. by from) secede. 6 tr. a divide or sort (milk, ore, fruit, light, etc.) into constituent parts or sizes. b (often foll. by out) extract or remove (an ingredient, waste product, etc.) by such a process for use or rejection. 7 tr. US discharge, dismiss. Derivatives separately adv. separateness n. separative adj. separatory adj. Etymology: L separare separat- (as SE-, parare make ready) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (-rated; -rating)  Etymology: Middle English, from Latin separatus, past participle of separare, from se- apart + parare to prepare, procure — more at secede, pare  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to set or keep apart ; disconnect, sever  b. to make a distinction between ; discriminate, distinguish ~ religion from magic  c. sort ~ mail  d. to disperse in space or time ; scatter widely ~d homesteads  2. archaic to set aside for a special purpose ; choose, dedicate  3. to part by a legal separation:  a. to sever conjugal ties with  b. to sever contractual relations with ; discharge was ~d from the army  4. to block off ; segregate  5.  a. to isolate from a mixture ; extract ~ cream from milk  b. to divide into constituent parts  6. to dislocate (as a shoulder) especially in sports  intransitive verb  1. to become divided or detached  2.  a. to sever an association ; withdraw  b. to cease to live together as a married couple  3. to go in different directions  4. to become isolated from a mixture the crystals ~d out Synonyms:  ~, part, divide, sever, sunder, divorce mean to become or cause to become disunited or disjointed. ~ may imply any of several causes such as dispersion, removal of one from others, or presence of an intervening thing ~d her personal life from her career. part implies the separating of things or persons in close union or association vowed never to part. divide implies separating into pieces or sections by cutting or breaking civil war divided the nation. sever implies violence especially in the removal of a part or member a severed limb. sunder suggests violent rending or wrenching apart a city sundered by racial conflict. divorce implies separating two things that commonly interact and belong together cannot divorce scientific research from moral responsibility.  II. adjective  Date: 15th century  1.  a. set or kept apart ; detached  b. archaic solitary, secluded  c. immaterial, disembodied  2.  a. not shared with another ;...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (separated) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If one thing is separate from another, there is a barrier, space, or division between them, so that they are clearly two things. Each villa has a separate sitting-room... They are now making plans to form their own separate party... Business bank accounts were kept separate from personal ones. ADJ: oft ADJ from n • separateness ...establishing Australia’s cultural separateness from Britain. N-UNCOUNT 2. If you refer to separate things, you mean several different things, rather than just one thing. Use separate chopping boards for raw meats, cooked meats, vegetables and salads... Men and women have separate exercise rooms... The authorities say six civilians have been killed in two separate attacks. = different ADJ: usu ADJ n 3. If you separate people or things that are together, or if they separate, they move apart. Police moved in to separate the two groups... The pans were held in both hands and swirled around to separate gold particles from the dirt... The front end of the car separated from the rest of the vehicle... They separated. Stephen returned to the square... They’re separated from the adult inmates. V-RECIP: V pl-n, V n from n, V from n, pl-n V, V-ed 4. If you separate people or things that have been connected, or if one separates from another, the connection between them is ended. They want to separate teaching from research... It’s very possible that we may see a movement to separate the two parts of the country... He announced a new ministry to deal with Quebec’s threat to separate from Canada. V-RECIP: V n from n, V pl-n, V from n 5. If a couple who are married or living together separate, they decide to live apart. Her parents separated when she was very young... Since I separated from my husband I have gone a long way. V-RECIP: pl-n V, V from n 6. An object, obstacle, distance, or period of time which separates two people, groups, or things exists between...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 things, places, buildings etc that are separate are not joined to each other or touching each other  (separate bedrooms | The poor travelled in a separate carriage.) + from  (Keep the fish separate from the other food.) 2 ideas, information, activities etc that are separate are not connected or do not affect each other in any way  (two separate problems) + from  (He tries to keep his professional life completely separate from his private life.) 3 different  (This word has 3 separate meanings. | She's been warned on three separate occasions that her work is not good enough.) 4 go your separate ways a) to finish a relationship with someone, especially a romantic relationship b) to start travelling in a different direction from someone you have been travelling with - separately adv  (They did arrive together, but I think they left separately.) ~2 v 1 »BE BETWEEN« T often passive if something separates two places or two things, it is between them so that they are not touching each other or connected with each other  (The two towns are separated by a river. | Seventeen years had separated them.) 2 »DIVIDE« to divide or split into different parts, or layers, or to make something do this  (Here's a trick to keep your salad dressing from separating.) + from  (At this point the satellite separates from its launcher. | separate sth into)  (It would help if we separated this stuff into three different piles. | separate eggs (=divide the white part from the yellow part)) 3 »STOP LIVING TOGETHER« to start to live apart from your husband, wife or sexual partner  (It's the children who suffer when their parents separate.) 4 »RECOGNIZE DIFFERENCE« to recognize that one idea is different from another, and to deal with each idea alone + from  (It's not always easy to separate cause from effect.) 5 »MOVE APART« I to move apart, or make people move apart + from  (We had to separate Philip and Jason because they were talking all the time.) 6 »MAKE SB/STH DIFFERENT« T + from to be the thing that makes someone or something...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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